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I am so proud to work on Spotify unite 2018 project at Tendril studio with amazing team members. Thanks to Christopher BahryAlexandre Torres Ramos and Mary Ann for giving me an opportunity to be part of their team.


In a very little world, we will follow our character — a sphere — as it is ignited to life and begins a road trip to bring life back to ‘main street’. This is a story of growth and progress and being a hero to unify others to make something great.


This journey is about facing difficulties and helping each other to overcome a problem. In the end, they are gathered for a big and common purpose. Shopify Unite! 



Ajay Chauhan

Christopher Bahry & Alex Torres

Executive Producer:
Kate Bate

John Szebegyinszki

Rodrigo Rezende

Lead Designer:
Leandro Beltran

Samuel Bohn, Omid Seraj,
Leandro Beltran

Lighting, Render, and Compositing:
Chris Bahry, Joseph Recoskie

Sound Design & Music:
Combustion Studio

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